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The most important trend for photographic systems. In this series we will talk about the history, present, and future of digital photography.

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The following video previews are here to publicly give an idea of the direction I'm taking. To access these you need an active subscription to the Videocourse or Workshop.

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The past

Let’s start our journey into the world of computational photography analyzing the transition from the analogue system based on film, and the digital system.

00:25:30 opinions, Opinioni

How a Digital Image is made

A digital image genesis, and why it is important to know this data flow

00:08:59 fundamentals, Le Basi

What are NFTs?

A quick introduction to a very obscure, and misunderstood, topic, that could change forever how we buy and sell digital assets.

00:21:46 opinions, Opinioni


Some real examples of computational photography, while we wait for a in depth analysis, and the pros and cons that it can introduces in our originals.

00:21:59 opinions, Opinioni

The present

We finally talk about today’s landscape, and try to understand why everyone is talking about computational photography.

00:36:35 opinions, Opinioni