Difficulties Stats

A 23%
B 32%
C 25%
D 17%
E 3%

Note: “A” images are the hardest, “E” the easiest

The Best Versions Were Corrected By

Andrea Baldini Doug Schafer Andrea Cesarini Emanuele Diviso Werner Tschan Claudio Stefanini Piersimone Fontana Alessandro Nucci Daniele Castellani Bogdan Grec Bill Bane Daniele Bianco Fabio Mannucci Fabrizio Cacopardo Enrico Oggioni Luca Negri Giuseppe Aielli Maurizio Danese John Furnes Fulvio Bosco Andrea Re Francesco Paolo Albano Massimo Arici Andrea Iodice Tom Hurd Gianluca Bacca Enrico Busi Van Brollini Maurizio Lanciotti Steve Jordan Jeremy Perez Matteo Bruni Silvano Marcon Matteo Camarota Andrea Salini Bob Graham Jr Marco D'Amico Maurizio Secundo Francesco Butano Damiano Busti Roberto Pelloni Roberto Freddi Ottavio Montanari Ludwig Thalheimer Willy Di Giulian Andrea Spognetta Antonio Biggio Aimee Armour Avant Gianni Romano Andrea Danna Simone Sirgiovanni David Bruni Calvin Jones Michael Demyan John Farmer Davide Barranca

Legend: below each photo are the Codename, : difficulty, : number of versions, : year we worked on.

° °
# 602 hardcolors A
# 601 blackandwhitegate C
# 600 stillshadows A
# 599 inthemosque B
# 598 hotairballons B
# 597 pitchblack A
# 596 playingoutside D
# 595 portraitwithflowers B
# 594 tinylake B
# 593 dronewedding C
# 592 windowsportrait A
# 591 rosesbridesmaid B
# 590 backwedding A
# 589 faintcolors C
# 588 allyellowtones D
# 587 rainydaymemory A
# 586 aharddaysnight C
# 585 bougainvilleportrait B
# 584 diveinthelake B
# 583 badpalette A
# 582 skatingdown B
# 581 seacabin E
# 580 poolportrait2 C
# 579 scarfportrait D
# 578 wrongcolors B
# 577 infrontofacab A
# 576 shadesofcolor D
# 575 louvreportrait2 A
# 574 blackwhitepoint A
# 573 mistymountains D
# 572 alltheplanes C
# 571 lyingonthecouch A
# 570 subtlebandw C
# 569 bluescarf B
# 568 curlyportrait B
# 567 controluce3 A
# 566 sunsetwedding C
# 565 antwerpcentral D
# 564 theaviator2 C
# 563 loudportrait A
# 562 badchroma A
# 561 dusksands B
# 560 shapestheory D
# 559 blackportrait A
# 558 irishlighthouse E
# 557 graywaterfall D
# 556 redroomportrait A
# 555 moonmountains B
# 554 aqualuna D
# 553 doublestart A
# 552 chinesepond B
# 551 parkingportrait C
# 550 loungeview D
# 549 blackdressonsteps B
# 548 lightsmatch B
# 547 chineseshop A
# 546 distantvalley B
# 545 upthehill B
# 544 simpleportrait C
# 543 sandyelephant A
# 542 thesenewtools D
# 541 lackofdepth B
# 540 gardenportrait D
# 539 baltimore23 A
# 538 onemorebw C
# 537 blackandwhitebalcony D
# 536 impossibleportrait A
# 535 blondeonyellow C
# 534 portraitinred C
# 533 teacherportrait B
# 532 colonnadeportrait C
# 531 phinthewoods D
# 530 highkeyportrait A
# 529 lowkeyportrait B
# 528 ivyportrait B
# 527 messylandscape B
# 526 verydarkportrait C
# 525 verybrightportrait B
# 524 theowlet B
# 523 barportrait B
# 522 skyreplacement2 D
# 521 flowersmodel2 A
# 520 flowersmodel B
# 519 foreignwedding B
# 518 climbatdawn C
# 517 climbatsunset D
# 516 insidewaterfall A
# 515 poolparadise C
# 514 whiteandblack A
# 513 blackandblack C
# 512 texanwedding B
# 511 aerialshot C
# 510 hikeonthelake C
# 509 seniorportrait A
# 508 lessbutmore D
# 507 dancerinstudio C
# 506 strongblues B
# 505 stronglights B
# 504 sunsetgradient D
# 503 duomodibolzano C
# 502 hatportrait B
# 501 polydress D
# 500 thisis500 E
# 499 wedgeometry C
# 498 monumentvalley B
# 497 peltportrait D
# 496 brightgarden C
# 495 badlights A
# 494 mirrormountain B
# 493 jacketad A
# 492 flowersportrait B
# 491 truckcommercial D
# 490 mistportrait A
# 489 fallwedding B
# 488 chillwedding B
# 487 theflycatchter C
# 486 stbasilportrait B
# 485 skintones A
# 484 lionesslandscape B
# 483 coupleoncouch A
# 482 colorseparation D
# 481 carportrait B
# 480 zebrahead D
# 479 farburger C
# 478 carrerpetritxol A
# 477 pinkportrait C
# 476 orangepaint A
# 475 sunsetatsea B
# 474 rockyroad E
# 473 louvreportrait B
# 472 withreflection E
# 471 waterfallportrait D
# 470 thevillage B
# 469 pratincole C
# 468 threelayers D
# 467 mountainlake C
# 466 brideandperfume B
# 465 sheepportrait B
# 464 hardangerbridge D
# 463 artdirection B
# 462 bluenight D
# 461 bayaweaver D
# 460 waitingapple B
# 459 italianalley E
# 458 flowervalleycolor C
# 457 blackdress A
# 456 trekkingday D
# 455 controluce2color B
# 454 waterfallvalley C
# 453 intheshadows B
# 452 towerrecords D
# 451 wildhorses A
# 450 youngdeer D
# 449 windowlight C
# 448 thegiraffe B
# 447 lakepowell A
# 446 controluce2 B
# 445 skyreplacement C
# 444 sideportrait B
# 443 lackofinterest D
# 442 shadowrestore A
# 441 fadetoblack B
# 440 roseonrose D
# 439 poolportrait A
# 438 flatlion C
# 437 portraitatdusk A
# 436 twiceonthestairs A
# 435 controluce B
# 434 nightportrait B
# 433 weddingsetup C
# 432 flowervalley C
# 431 vacationtime C
# 430 yellowbackground B
# 429 croptryout D
# 428 stairsportrait C
# 427 canadageese B
# 426 coverportrait D
# 425 intothewild C
# 424 chromaportrait D
# 423 thehandmaiden B
# 422 toriigate C
# 421 doublestudy2 B
# 421 littlebuddha D
# 420 waterfallpark B
# 419 thechiaroscuro C
# 418 bwwedding B
# 417 filteringlight B
# 416 topofthemountain C
# 415 astronight A
# 414 coupleportrait C
# 413 greenparrot B
# 412 longshore C
# 411 portraitongreen D
# 410 blackbridge C
# 409 weddingnight C
# 408 theaviator A
# 407 tullamoredew B
# 406 tokyotower B
# 405 railroadblues E
# 404 happynewyear C
# 403 ladyinpink A
# 402 redshadows B
# 401 empirestate D
# 400 thisis400 D
# 399 brightbeach A
# 398 awalkinbw D
# 397 sharperlynx A
# 396 atthewaterfalls C
# 395 hotforteacher C
# 394 magmaticrocks C
# 393 summerfreckles A
# 392 lightbulbs A
# 391 countryvilla A
# 390 stilthouse A
# 389 theshepherd C
# 388 blackandred C
# 387 flowersonflowers A
# 386 atthewindow B
# 385 inthegarden D
# 384 northerntherms C
# 383 highportrait2 C
# 382 whitepaint C
# 381 watchman B
# 380 catamaran D
# 379 thesinger C
# 378 diningroom B
# 377 sharpnight A
# 376 highportrait1 B
# 375 duskportrait B
# 374 colorvariance3 D
# 373 colorvariance2 D
# 372 windowportrait D
# 371 naturamorta B
# 370 sunsettrain B
# 369 hiresportrait B
# 368 foroncemen C
# 367 wholeportrait A
# 366 lemontart B
# 365 hydrangeagirl C
# 364 trainportrait D
# 363 castelsantangelo A
# 362 manarolaatnight B
# 361 darkandstormy D
# 360 movienights C
# 359 cattletornado B
# 358 sakuraportrait D
# 357 newyearride C
# 356 foodportrait C
# 355 awalkinthewoods D
# 354 doubleportrait A
# 353 artistportrait B
# 352 backtoblacknwhite E
# 351 italianbride B
# 350 koreanbride B
# 349 easternfishing C
# 348 thejazzman A
# 347 sunsetcatamaran B
# 346 themilkshake D
# 345 shadowportrait C
# 344 sushitime A
# 343 inthedeathcar B
# 342 agirlwithaleaf C
# 341 weddingday B
# 340 sangiovanniranui D
# 339 twogalettes B
# 338 orchidlady D
# 337 kanoradokansas C
# 336 ladyinthesnow A
# 335 singaporebynight C
# 334 lightblinds A
# 333 mountelden C
# 332 arcadeneons E
# 331 eltzcastle B
# 330 opponentcolors C
# 329 sunbreakfast D
# 328 saturnapollo B
# 327 badwaterfall C
# 326 yellowside A
# 325 carandchroma C
# 324 southofwaynoka B
# 323 jewellershands B
# 322 springbbq C
# 321 littlecake B
# 320 marchtheeight B
# 319 goldengatebridge C
# 318 navajostorm C
# 317 lunarrovingvehicle C
# 316 chromaticvariance B
# 315 pomacanthusparu B
# 314 thebigswitch C
# 313 ruinsattwoguns A
# 312 lacarlotta D
# 311 doublestudy A
# 310 navajonation B
# 309 edgardmitchell C
# 308 interiorscene B
# 307 happychristmas B
# 306 colorvariance A
# 305 introducingnasa B
# 304 yellowhills C
# 303 greenbackground E
# 302 familygroup A
# 301 redportrait B
# 300 thisis300 B
# 299 privateinvestigation A
# 298 ladyinblack B
# 297 leatherandrocks B
# 296 widowskimmer D
# 295 mitlittlekid C
# 294 colorsandskin C
# 293 washingthedog D
# 292 introductingmit5k B
# 291 guinnessspring B
# 290 archesparkutah D
# 289 lilacportrait C
# 288 cornelpanther B
# 287 alfaromeogrid B
# 286 gartersnake C
# 285 lackofcolor A
# 284 letsletterpress A
# 283 bntuscany C
# 282 streetmusic2 A
# 281 oneworldtradecenter B
# 280 springishere C
# 279 chocolates A
# 278 boxcanyonpueblo B
# 277 streetmusic1 A
# 276 cimedilavaredo D
# 275 marcodiodato B
# 274 sharpeningtest D
# 273 saguaroatdusk B
# 272 martinastella4 C
# 271 fromgreentoblue B
# 270 thesteak A
# 269 outofdynamicrange C
# 268 christmaskitchen B
# 267 onthelastlap C
# 266 wicklowmist A
# 265 martinastella3 B
# 264 fallinflagstaff C
# 263 ecstasyofgold A
# 262 collinedinorcia D
# 261 yellowexposure A
# 260 ballyvaughan C
# 259 cedarandsail A
# 258 davideportrait B
# 257 grainytango A
# 256 easternwyoming B
# 255 lightshadowmodel A
# 254 movingferrari C
# 253 smoothwhite A
# 252 whitewaterfalls D
# 251 summermilkyway B
# 250 thisis250 A
# 249 chanelglasses A
# 248 arizonaroad B
# 247 blacktango A
# 246 seaexposure D
# 245 zeisslens C
# 244 tangored B
# 243 littlegirlblue A
# 242 thefondue B
# 241 inthekitchen D
# 240 hippotime B
# 239 yellowwedding B
# 238 puntacristallo C
# 237 desertinbloom A
# 236 doublestrike C
# 235 ournextcolors A
# 234 theredpanda C
# 233 blacktango A
# 232 whitedonkey A
# 231 thebluehome B
# 230 thecastle C
# 229 martinastella2 C
# 228 coralwall C
# 227 firstandlastmotel B
# 226 tangomagenta B
# 225 justskinandblack A
# 224 purplecake B
# 223 pilotportrait D
# 222 denverscloud A
# 221 baltimore A
# 220 rolandoandfull B
# 219 goldenportrait B
# 218 ziggy A
# 217 atthepitstop C
# 216 fireplaceportrait B
# 215 wicklow D
# 214 swissairplane D
# 213 ecstasyofgold A
# 212 sanfranciscopeaks B
# 211 oldfriends B
# 210 chefsatwork D
# 209 andreykhludeyev D
# 208 heavyanchor C
# 207 theelephant B
# 206 onpontevecchio A
# 205 timewarnercenter C
# 204 snowleopard B
# 203 oklahomaroad B
# 202 thegreenman A
# 201 liberazione C
# 200 yellowcabs B
# 199 lagrolla B
# 198 thesteak A
# 197 arizonaobservatory A
# 196 glendalough3 D
# 195 attheducatibox C
# 194 glendalough2 C
# 193 glasstiger B
# 192 fromsteve A
# 191 glendalough1 C
# 190 fountain A
# 189 modelandbackground B
# 188 teverefarfa D
# 187 vietnamesebridalmakeup A
# 186 coralreef A
# 185 thewalking D
# 184 myfirstdayofschool A
# 183 modelside C
# 182 coloradohorizon D
# 181 jovanotti D
# 180 bracciano D
# 179 sharpstatue C
# 178 firenzeatnight C
# 177 naturallight A
# 176 toomuchyellow D
# 175 capocaccia C
# 174 onthepodium B
# 173 cremonini C
# 172 sealayers A
# 171 whiteportrait B
# 170 nebraskasupercell B
# 169 umbrellagirls B
# 168 coupleonabridge A
# 167 sunsetcrater B
# 166 visitorcenter B
# 165 picachopeak B
# 164 highkeygreen A
# 163 vietnamesewidow B
# 162 aironecenerino C
# 161 reddress B
# 160 katyline B
# 159 theaccident D
# 158 blackandwhitehouse C
# 157 spoons C
# 156 martinastella C
# 155 goshencountysupercell A
# 154 madalinaghenea D
# 153 theshoal B
# 152 myfirstdog C
# 151 inside B
# 150 whitefurniture A
# 149 thereflection B
# 148 halfuphalfdown A
# 147 wallportrait B
# 146 blackonblack C
# 145 stingray A
# 144 blueeyes B
# 143 fotodiluglio A
# 142 newyearseve A
# 141 happychristmas B
# 140 motocross B
# 139 yertletheturtle A
# 138 doloresoriordan B
# 137 irishzone B
# 136 subsonica A
# 135 thehitter D
# 134 purplecake B
# 133 underwater B
# 132 colorfulportrait B
# 131 chocolates A
# 130 cloudybeach B
# 129 julescluzel D
# 128 flyingchannels B
# 127 modelinblack A
# 126 barcelonawedding D
# 125 montedoglia C
# 124 maasaimara2 D
# 123 skerriesmills C
# 122 indianmarket A
# 121 usedboat B
# 120 newtools C
# 119 wildflowers B
# 118 gassman E
# 117 crownedcrane C
# 116 supercar D
# 115 littlecake B
# 114 naturaloasis D
# 113 dan20 B
# 112 lakenakuru D
# 111 olgaandflowers A
# 110 streetfood C
# 109 osteriafrancescana B
# 108 claudioandbrother C
# 107 ladyinblack B
# 106 alexturner C
# 105 leopards B
# 104 umbrellagirl C
# 103 purewhite A
# 102 maasaimara D
# 101 mixage B
# 100 rainrun B
# 99 hardworking D
# 98 itschristmas C
# 97 purewhite A
# 96 thefondue C
# 95 yellowandblue C
# 94 cristiana D
# 93 cooking C
# 92 blackaprilia B
# 91 vietnamese C
# 90 overcolorado D
# 89 elena B
# 88 carloscheca C
# 87 theboss C
# 86 vulture C
# 85 degustacion A
# 84 mrgray2 A
# 83 grottedinettuno C
# 82 visitorcenter B
# 81 trythefish B
# 80 albertstickets C
# 79 busstop D
# 78 insidemill A
# 77 rinoceronti C
# 76 thelioness B
# 75 cheeseshop B
# 74 thesheep E
# 73 alessandro C
# 72 bowhunter B
# 71 timokirves B
# 70 benvenutiincucina C
# 69 dds B
# 68 bluebridge C
# 67 thepriest A
# 66 longvenice B
# 65 blueeyes B
# 64 coupleonabridge A
# 63 tuscanrange C
# 62 nowhereroad D
# 61 elkandreflection B
# 60 tuscanycolors C
# 59 duststorm A
# 58 gelatotasting B
# 57 thephotographer2 C
# 56 piazzadelcampo E
# 55 snowcrash B
# 54 canyondeep C
# 53 thereunion C
# 52 thephotographer1 E
# 51 thesteak B
# 50 steppenrain B
# 49 blondchildren A
# 48 colormarket B
# 47 vicolofiorentino C
# 46 outsidecake C
# 45 greenongreen D
# 44 warehouse D
# 43 ruby C
# 42 justleafs E
# 41 thebracelet E
# 40 naturecolors D
# 39 thegrappa E
# 38 yellowwedding B
# 37 valentina C
# 36 privateinvestigation2 A
# 35 privateinvestigation A
# 34 thecake A
# 33 lackofcolor A
# 32 littlegirlblue A
# 31 smoothwhite A
# 30 lightstudiochecker E
# 29 thebay D
# 28 telegraphroad D
# 27 liberazione B
# 26 yellowcabs C
# 25 toomanyfishinthesea B
# 24 wicklowcounty C
# 23 newversusold B
# 22 thecastle C
# 21 thetrio D
# 20 eyeinthesky E
# 19 chocolates A
# 18 ecstasyofgold A
# 17 castelsardo B
# 16 fountain B
# 15 home B
# 14 alghero D
# 13 fotodiluglio A
# 12 ziggy A
# 11 mushrooms E
# 10 flowers A
# 9 thewall A
# 8 theisland D
# 7 whitedonkey A
# 6 cobh D
# 5 redmob C
# 4 starbucks B
# 3 harlem B
# 2 colosseo C
# 1 busstop B